Introduction: Cosmology - New Scientist
The WMAP spacecraft put the standard picture of cosmology on a firm footing by precisely measuring the spectrum of fluctuations in the microwave background, which fits a universe 13.7 billion ...
The universe lines up along the 'axis of evil'. Coincidence?
COSMOLOGISTS called it the axis of evil. Spotted in 2005 in the cosmic microwave background, the all-pervading afterglow of the big bang, the axis was a peculiar alignment of features where we ...
We live in a cosmic void so empty that it breaks the laws of cosmology
Space We live in a cosmic void so empty that it breaks the laws of cosmology. Mounting evidence suggests our galaxy sits at the centre of an expanse of nothingness 2 billion light years wide.
A legendary cosmologist on how to find a deeper theory of the universe
JIM PEEBLES is widely known as the architect of modern cosmology – and its nice-guy-in-chief. Awarding his half-share of the 2019 Nobel prize for physics, the committee said he “took on the ...
Reality guide: The essential laws of cosmology | New Scientist
Space Reality guide: The essential laws of cosmology. Our expanding universe began in a big bang 13.8 billion years ago. But what underlying laws of nature shape our vision of time and space?
50 ideas to change science forever: Cosmology - New Scientist
cosmology / prime numbers; Advertisement. Sign up to our weekly newsletter. Receive a weekly dose of discovery in your inbox! We'll also keep you up to date with New Scientist events and special ...
Cosmology news, articles and features | New Scientist
cosmology. Space Super-bright black holes could reveal if the universe is pixelated Space-time may not be continuous but instead made up of many discrete bits – and we may be able to see their ...
One of the biggest mysteries of cosmology may finally be solved
The expansion rate of the universe, measured by the Hubble constant, has been one of the most controversial numbers in cosmology for years, and we seem at last to be close to nailing it down
Has the biggest problem in cosmology finally been solved?
Space Has the biggest problem in cosmology finally been solved? For decades, cosmologists have been fighting over the Hubble constant, a number that represents the expansion rate of the universe ...
Top 10: Weirdest cosmology theories - New Scientist
3. Superfluid space-time. One of the most outlandish new theories of cosmology is that space-time is actually a superfluid substance, flowing with zero friction.Then if the universe is rotating ...